Juggling Club Meetings: Worldwide

New South Wales South Australia Western Australia
Northern Territory Tasmania
Queensland Victoria
North Island South Island
- Byron Bay (-28.650,+153.617)
Wednesday and Sunday, PM. Shop 2, Cape Byron hostel, Byron Street.
Scott, (02) 6685 5299.
- Lithgow (-33.483,+150.150)
Occasional Wednesday nights.
Lithgow Police & Citizens Youth Club. Daniel Collins, e-mail
- Newcastle (-32.917,+151.750)
Kiteworks Juggling Club. Saturday, 12-2 PM.
Kiteworks, 5 Crown Street, Newcastle, NSW, 2300. Free.
Kiteworks, (02) 4926 3535; or Staffan Olofson, (02) 4968 2163, e-mail
- Newcastle (-32.917,+151.750)
JuggleJam. Friday, 12:30-1:30 PM. Newcastle University.
Staffan Olofson, (02) 4968 2163, e-mail
- Sydney (-33.917,+151.283)
Regeneration. Monday, 6-9 PM. 9th Floor, 47-53 Cooper Street
(at Hart Street), Surry Hills. $10. (02) 9310 7240.
Mostly staff-twirling workshops and didgeridoo playing.
- Sydney (-33.917,+151.283)
Coogee Juggling Club. Monday, 7:30-9:30 PM. Coogee South Public School,
Moverly Road, Coogee. $3. Michael Richards, (02) 9315 7894, e-mail
- Sydney (-33.917,+151.283)
Newtown Juggling Club. Wednesday, 7:30-9:30 PM.
St. Stephen's Church Hall, to the left of the church,
Church Street, off King Street, Newtown. $3.
Sid Lowe, (014) 996 044; or Julian Orbach, (02) 9870 7258, e-mail
- Sydney (-33.917,+151.283)
Wednesday, 7 PM. Hurlstone Agricultural College, Ray Watts Road,
Glenfield. $3. David Russell, (02) 9824 2448.
- Sydney (-33.917,+151.283)
Sydney University Recreational Clowning Around Society (SURCAS).
Meets during Sydney University term.
Wednesday, 1-2 PM, front lawn, in front of the main quad.
Thursday, 1-2 PM, Biochem lawn. Sunday 2 PM, in parks around Sydney.
Casey Whitelaw, (02) 9319 4823, e-mail
or Ken Lee, (02) 9871 1858, e-mail
klee@ug.cs.su.oz.au. $5 per year.
- Sydney (-33.917,+151.283)
Tuesday, 6:30-9:00 PM, during term.
Room C100, University of New South Wales, Western Campus.
Murray Henstock, (02) 9602 7922, e-mail
- Wollongong (-34.433,+151.083)
Wollongong University Juggling Club.
Tuesday and Thursday, 12.30-1.30 PM.
Near the Uni Tavern of the Wollongong University campus.
School of Elec., Comp.& Tele. Engineering, University of Wollongong,
Northfields Avenue, Wollongong, NSW, 2522, Australia.
- Cairns (-16.917,+145.767)
Monday, 7-9 PM. Graft'n Arts, Grafton Street. Free.
- Surfer's Paradise (-28.000,+153.433)
Tuesday, 7:30-9:30 PM. Old Surfer's Paradise State School,
Gold Coast Highway South (opposite Hoyts). Steve Scott, (07) 5531 5695.
- Yungaburra (-17.283,+145.583)
Wednesday, 6:30-8:30 PM. Yungaburra State School.
Ian Reece, (07) 4095 3493.
- Adelaide (-34.951,+138.583)
Monday, 7:45-9:45 PM. Church Hall, Goodwood Primary School,
Goodwood Road, Goodwood, $4. During summer, Botanic Park,
north of the Botanical Gardens, free. Philippe Quoilin, (08) 8344 6918, e-mail
- Hobart (-43.000,+147.500)
Occasional Saturday, noon.
Juggling stall on the lawn at the Salamanca Market.
- Hobart (-43.000,+147.500)
University of Tasmania Ultra Sports Club.
Andrew Brassington, (03) 6234 1071, e-mail
- Croydon (-37.800,+145.283)
Croydon Jugglers Club. Monday, 7-9:30 PM. Croydon Hall (EV's).
Chris Lavery, (03) 9722 9852, e-mail
or Matt Cody, (03) 9874 4334.
- Eltham (-37.733,+145.150)
Juggle Ugg.
Eltham College. Monday, noon. In Ecca Drama. Andrew Kelly, e-mail
- Melbourne (-37.867,+145.133)
Wednesday, 8-10 PM. 230A Brunswick Street, Fitzroy, 3065. Enter via
stairwell off St. David's Street. $3. Gordon at Juggleart, (03) 9417 7772,
e-mail juggle@ozemail.com.au.
- Mornington (-38.217,+145.033)
Friday, 6:30-8:30 PM. Currawong Street Community Centre.
Harry, (03) 5975 8839.
- Perth (-31.983,+115.804)
UWA Juggling Club.
Friday, 1 PM to dark, during semester time.
James Oval, behind the Reid Library, UWA campus,
or in the basketball courts of the UWA gym in poor weather.
UWA Juggling Club, c/o Guild of Undergraduates,
University of Western Australia, Nedlands, WA 6907.
Bob Yuncken, (08) 9385 8537, e-mail
or Nic Price, (08) 9364 7489, e-mail
- Jerusalem (+31.767,+035.233)
Jerusalem Jugglers.
E-mail: jerusalem@juggling.org.
Scott Seltzer, (02) 672-0925; Raphael Harris, (02) 5859889; Yaron Blinder,
e-mail blade@actcom.co.il;
or Milan de Vries, (02) 679-8216, e-mail
- Tel Aviv (+32.067,+034.767)
Jugg Juggling Club. Friday, 10:00-17:00. Jugg equipment shop,
972-3-6203803, 22 Shenkin Street, Tel-Aviv, 65231. Uri Baruchin,
e-mail urib@post.tau.ac.il.
- Tokyo (+35.700,+139.767)
Juggling Club Malabaristas.
University of Tokyo juggling club.
Wednesday, 6-8 PM, sometimes Friday or Saturday, 6-9 PM, see
Komaba elementary school at Meguro-ku Tokyo.
Asanuma Nobuhiko, e-mail g641197@komaba.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp.
New Zealand
- Auckland (-37.717,+174.883)
Friday, 7:30 PM. William Jordon Rec Center, 4 Pearce Street, Onehunga.
$2/$1. Bruce Rutherford, (09) 636 5071; or Steve Taylor, (09) 524 5610.
- Hamilton (-37.783,+175.283)
Wednesday, 1 PM. University of Waikato, outside S block,
or inside in poor weather. John Wells, 64-7-838-4375, e-mail
P.O. Box 708, Hamilton, New Zealand.
- Palmerston North (-40.350,+175.717)
1st and 3rd Wednesdays, 7 PM. Community Arts Training Centre,
Walding Street and Campbell Street. Norm Twigg, (06) 357 8232.
- Wellington (-41.250,+174.750)
Monday, 7:30-8:30 PM. Aquatic Sports Centre,
Kilbirnie Crescent, Wellington. $4. MBTM, (04) 386 1440.
- Wellington (-41.250,+174.750)
Monday, 7:30-9 PM. Paramata School Hall, Paramata. $4.
Jo Stott, (04) 239 9064.
- Wellington (-41.250,+174.750)
Monday, 7:30-9:30 PM. Kandallah Town Hall, Kandallah.
$4. Lyndon Hawk, (04) 479 2102.
- Wellington (-41.250,+174.750)
Wednesday, 5:30-7:30 PM. Union Hall, Student Union Building,
Victoria University. Jade, (04) 388 1811.
- Christchurch (-43.500,+172.633)
Summer (October-March), daylight saving, Thursday, 6 PM to dark,
Arts Centre Quadrangles, 1 kilometre west of Cathedral Square. Free.
Grant Mathieson, +643-358-9189x3860 (w), +643-38-999-82 (h), e-mail
105 Retreat Road, Christchurch 8006, New Zealand; or
Chris Coxon, 3527934, e-mail
or Sugra, 3880115.
- Christchurch (-43.500,+172.633)
Thursday, 6-8 PM. Second floor, Memorial Hall, at the Moorhouse Avenue end
of the Christchurch Polytechnic. Grant Mathieson, +643-38-999-82, e-mail
or Peter Burley, +643-3798150 ext 8435 or 8061. $2 per person.
- Nelson (-41.250,+173.367)
Sunday afternoon. Trafalgar Park. Mike Lynch, (03) 548 4321.
- Tondo: Manila (+14.617,+120.967)
E-mail for further details. Sha Lee, e-mail
- Singapore (+01.318,+103.862)
Singapore Jugglers. Yoga Room, #02 - 07,
Kallang Community Club, 45 Boon Keng Road, Singapore 339771.
Tuesday, 7:30-9:30 PM, and first Saturday of the month, 3-5 PM.
Loh Koah Fong, 9220 1986, e-mail
South Africa
- Johannesburg (-26.200,+028.083)
Balls Up! Juggling Club.
Thursday, 8 PM. Roosevelt Park Recreation Centre,
corner of DF Malan Drive and Preller Road. R5-00 charge per person.
Garth van Vliet, 0027-11-462-1700, 082-454-6843 (cell), e-mail
P.O. Box 1265, Cresta, 2118, Johannesburg, South Africa; or Duncan Mills,
e-mail boartres@aztec.co.za.
- Johannesburg (-26.200,+028.083)
Wits University Juggling & Curious arts club (WUJC).
Friday, 12-2 PM. Library lawns.
Dylan Morgan, e-mail morgan@icon.co.za;
Nir Oren, e-mail nir@global.co.za; or
Stewart Gebbie, 882-9164, e-mail
stewart@global.co.za, P.O. Box 732,
Highlands North, Johannesburg 2037. R11.12 per year for students.
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